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Atelier international : OV-IS 2019

Corrélât de l’ordre OV et structure de l’information

Le Sedyl, MII et le Labex EFL organisent l’atelier international OV-IS 2019 les 20 et 21 novembre 2019 à l’Inalco (65, rue des Grands Moulins 75013 PARIS – Salle 4.24).


SeDyL (Structure et Dynamique des Langues, UMR 8202 Inalco-CNRS-IRD) MII (Mondes Iranien et Indien, FRE 2018-Sorbonne Nouvelle-EPHE-Inalco- CNRS) Labex EFL (Empirical Foundations of Linguistics, USPC)


Anaïd Donabedian (Inalco-SeDyL) Pollet Samvelian (P3-MII) Claudine Chamoreau (CNRS-CEMCA/SeDyL)

Mercredi 20 novembre – Salle 4.24

14h30-15h30 Judith Aissen Word order and information structure in a so-called ‘VOS’ language

15h30-16h15 Tatiana Nikitina Argument linearization and deviations from canonical OV word order: A contrastive analysis of Bashkir and Wan

16h15-16h30 Coffee break / Pause café

16h30-17h30 Elisabeth Verhoeven Word order and optional ergative marking in Cabécar (Chibcha)

17h30-18h15 Roberto Herrera Miranda The morphosyntactic realization of foci in Maleku

Jeudi 21 novembre – Salle 4.24

10h00-11h00 Geoffrey Haig Between OV and VO: exploring word-order variation and change across the Western Asian Transition Zone (WATZ)

11h00-11h45 Stavros Skopeteas From OV to VO and information structure: the syntax of Caucasian Urum

11h45-12h30 Pegah Faghiri, Victoria Khurshudian and Pollet Samvelian Modern Eastern Armenian: OV or VO?

12h30 – 14h30 Lunch / Déjeuner

14h30-15h15 Metin Bağrıaçık Word order in Pharasiot Greek: What is from Turkish and what is not?

15h15-16h00 Masud Mohamadirad Post-predicate oblique arguments across Kurdish

16h00-16h30 Closing coffee break

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